What is Laparoscopic Liver Resection? How is the procedure performed?

Liver Hospitalliver transplantLiver Treatment

What is Laparoscopic Liver Resection? How is the procedure performed?

  • May 17, 2021



Laparoscopic Liver Resection is a minimally invasive procedure performed at the best liver hospital in Ludhiana. Performing this method helps to take out the liver mass safely and effectively. This approach allows the patient to recover faster and better.

Under a comprehensive approach, the health care experts will suggest to you the right method of liver surgery and Gastrointestinal Surgery in Punjab.

What happens during laparoscopic liver resection?

Initially, the patient is given general anesthesia to make them feel comfortable throughout the treatment. In total, 3 to 7 incisions are made to take out the liver mass. The total time taken to perform the treatment is between 1 to 7 hours and this depends on how many lesions, the location of the lesions, and how much the liver part is affected.

How should I prepare for the surgery?

The patient needs to stay physically fit and follow a healthy lifestyle. They need to reduce alcohol consumption before and even after the surgery. The surgeon will tell you some important tips which you need to follow for better results and to reduce the extent of complications. In most cases, the patients are suggested to get gentle bowel preparation to prevent post-operative constipation.

How much is the downtime?

Following the procedure, the patient needs to spend 1 to 6 nights in the hospital or might be as per your condition. The doctor will discuss everything with you in detail, on what specifications you need to follow to recover with ease. In most cases, the patients are not able to feel themselves for around 2 to 4 weeks, following the operation. The doctor will suggest pain medications. Make sure that you take them as prescribed by your doctor.

Can anything affect the treatment results?

Following the procedure, the patients can recover very easily. Follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • You need to walk daily for 15 to 30 minutes for faster recovery.
  • You need to limit alcohol consumption or any type of toxic substance which can affect your liver.
  • The doctor will tell you about the supplement which you need to avoid, so that liver health is not impacted.

Is the procedure safe?

Generally, the patients can easily undergo the procedure. Like with any other procedure, there are certain risks. Although, the research has shown that the outcomes with this procedure are better and it is completely safe. The doctor will tell you about the certain risk factors which you need to be careful about to get the results on time.

Is a laparoscopic approach best for all the patients?

The patients are suggested to get the laparoscopic approach as it helps them to recover faster. Your doctor will tell you better by checking your condition and then suggest to you whether you are an ideal candidate to get this approach or not.

For more information about the procedure, you should visit us by booking your initial consultation and get the customized approach.

Liver Hospitalliver transplant

How to choose the clinic for the best and effective liver transplant?

  • May 17, 2021


Liver transplantation is the biggest decision which anyone ever takes. For undergoing the best liver transplant procedure, one must be willing to take the treatment from the best liver hospital in Ludhiana. As the number of patients taking gastrointestinal surgery in punjab is increasing. In the same way, the number of patients who are willing to undergo liver transplant is increasing.

So the need of this blog is to help you with the guide on how to choose the ideal liver hospital in Punjab:

  • Must consider the performance

You should consider the performance of the centre since it is very important for determining whether the particular clinic has the potential to carry out the ideal liver transplant surgery. By performance we mean whether the clinic is having all the required staff, like the team of the immunologist, radiologist, nutritionist and the surgeons which are required for the well being of the patient till the end.

  • Visit for the initial consultation

Once you are sure that XYZ is the hospital which you should be approaching for the liver transplant, then you are advised not to become so sure unless you have undergone the initial consultation with the doctors. The initial consultation is a very important aspect as this is the time in which you will have the chance to assess the doctors:

  • You can ask the doctors about your queries
  • You can ask the doctor about the mechanism of the procedure
  • Ask the doctor about the possible complications and the side effects of the procedure.
  • Which eligibility criteria do they follow to accept the donor’s liver?
  • How many surgeons will be there who will carry out the liver transplant?
  • How many cases of the transplant they have handled that have the same specification as that of yours?
  • Choose the convenient geographic location

The geographic location has nothing to do with the quality of the treatment offered by the clinic. But it is for your convenience since you have to visit the clinic a lot of times. And your health may not allow you to travel to distant places since you may feel extremely exhausted after that. So it is advised to you to choose the clinic whose location is convenient for you.

  • Consider the online reputation

If you take the online reputation into account, then you will get sure about the quality of the treatment offered by the clinic. The online reviews are of great significance and many rational people consider taking this factor into account before choosing a particular hotel, restaurant or clinic.

  • Talk to the previous patients

Usually, the hospitals do not disclose the personal details of the previous patients because of the confidentiality policy. But you can ask them to consult with any of their patients if they are comfortable.

Bottom Line

We are also recognized for providing quality treatment to our patients. None of our patients come out to be dissatisfied with the treatment. So please book your consultation at your earliest so that you can get treatment without any risk of complications.