How to prepare for the first visit with the gastroenterologist at Girn Hospital?

liver doctor

How to prepare for the first visit with the gastroenterologist at Girn Hospital?

  • October 12, 2021


Initial consultation with a Gastroenterologist at Girn Hospital

For gastrointestinal tract and liver health, you need to schedule a consultation with the best medical expert – A gastroenterologist. One such name is Dr. Hardev Ramandeep Singh Girn who is treating the patients with his medical expertise at Girn Hospital – One of the best Liver Hospital in Punjab. Our gastroenterologist, the best Gastro doctor in Ludhiana is a highly dedicated doctor with a unique level of experience and he is properly aware of how to manage the diseases in a way that makes you feel better.

Many of the patients who are going to visit the doctor for the first time worry about what the initial consultation includes. In case, you are going to visit one then there is no need to be scared about anything. It’s okay if you feel anxious and nervous as you don’t know what the consultation will be all about. This is why you must prepare for a visit well in advance. Read the following tips to make this much better for you.

Prepare yourself for the initial visit with the gastroenterologist

  • Make sure that you are prepared mentally

You need to be strong mentally so that anxiety does not make things difficult for you. You can try to relax by meditating and doing yoga. Sometimes even a walk can make your negative thoughts go away and give you a better perspective to look at things. So, before the treatment starts you need to manage the feeling of discomfort.

  • Note down the symptoms you have

You may be experiencing different symptoms & by the time you visit the doctor you forgot what you have been experiencing. This is why you should note down the symptoms you are experiencing. Along with that also write anything which aggravated your symptoms. No matter how many unusual things you have experienced you need to note that down.

  • Properly mention your medical history

On the initial visit, the doctor must ask you about your medical history. In case you are being asked to write a form then you should mention everything on it. No matter how small or big a health problem you have faced in the past you need to tell the doctor.

  • Get all the medical tests to record assembled properly

You need to take along with you all your medical test records be it X-ray, CT scan, Ultrasound, and X-ray. If you are experiencing any sort of medical issue, then make sure to carry all the medical reports along with you.

  • Prepare the list of questions you want to ask

Indeed! You will have certain questions in your mind, so make sure to ask the doctor about the same. You should write down on a piece of paper or make a note on your mobile phone so that you don’t miss anything important.

Schedule your initial consultation

If you are having any sort of gastro-related problem and you are planning to schedule for the consultation then book your initial consultation with our health expert for the best treatment plan.

liver doctor

Which are the most common liver problems? Why do people face them?

  • September 9, 2021


According to the gastro doctor in Ludhiana, “ We all should take a good deal of our liver as it is responsible for performing the following functions:

  • Metabolism

  • Energy Storage

  • Waste detox

  • Digestion and assimilation of the food

  • Filtering of the toxic substances

Note: To make sure that you do not suffer from any kind of liver problem, it is advised that you visit the liver hospital in Ludhiana to keep up with the check-ups.

Liver Diseases

LIver diseases could be any medical condition that may affect the liver. There could be many causes for the development of a particular condition.

Note: No matter which, all the differentiated liver conditions are accountable for damaging the liver and producing a considerable impact on the functioning of the liver.

Warning Signs and Symptoms

  • Jaundice – Yellowing of the skin and the eyes

  • Dark Coloured Urine

  • Black, bloody or the pale coloured stool

  • Swelling in the ankles, abdomen or the legs

  • Nauseous Feeling

  • Vomitings

  • Decreased appetite

  • Bruising on the skin

  • Itchiness in the skin

  • Ongoing Fatigue

Common Liver Problems

  • Hepatitis

It is a viral infection that affects the functioning of the liver. In this condition, the liver gets damaged and thus experiences inflammation.

There are five types of hepatitis from A TO E. For the A and B variety, vaccinations are available. To get prevented from running to any of the kids of hepatitis, it is advised to practise safe sex.

  • Fatty Liver Disease

When the fat build up in the liver gets increased to a significant extent, then fatty liver disease is what comes to its origin. This disease is divided into two categories:

  • Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases

It is caused by the consumption of heavy amounts of alcohol.

  • Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

It is caused by other factors, on which the researchers are still going on.

Switching to a healthy diet and maintaining the proper lifestyle can help to get rid of it.

Autoimmune Conditions

These conditions are described as the most dangerous. When these come into account, then our immunity system starts attacking the healthy cells of the body.

Following are some of the conditions concerning Autoimmune disorders:

  • Autoimmune hepatitis

  • PBC -Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

  • Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis.

  • Genetic conditions

These are those conditions which the child gets from their parents. The commonly observed genetic conditions are as follow:

  • Hemochromatosis

  • Wilson’s Disease

  • AT – Alpha-1 Antitrypsin


If the development of cancer has initiated in the liver, then it is known as primary cancer. On the other hand, if it has started in some region of the body and has progressed to the liver, then it will be known as secondary liver disease.

Liver Failure

This denotes the condition when the most important part of the liver is not functioning properly because of the damage. In the initial stage, it does not present any kind of symptoms. But with the progression of the problems, the symptoms may come up in the following forms:

  • Confused Thoughts

  • Diarrhoea

  • Jaundice

  • Nausea

  • Weakness

  • Intense Exertion

Final Comments!

To make sure that you are not getting bothered with the complications of the above-mentioned problems, you are suggested to keep up with the regular checkup from the doctors.
