Which are the most common gastrointestinal disorders and treatment options?


Which are the most common gastrointestinal disorders and treatment options?

  • November 11, 2021


When you schedule your initial consultation with the best Gastro doctor in Ludhiana your entire health is diagnosed to rule out the possible issue. If you are wondering to know in detail about gastrointestinal disorders, then visit our Liver Hospital in Punjab to get customized treatment to improve your condition. Under the supervision of Dr. Hardev Ramandeep Singh Grin, you will be getting the best treatment plan to live a better life. Now! Let’s discuss gastrointestinal disorders and treatment options.

Most common gastrointestinal disorders and treatment

Gastrointestinal condition 1: Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is categorized as a multifactorial condition which is categorized as a genetic condition and the environment is the major culprit behind it. When the body’s immune system reacts differently to gluten and protein is found in grains like hybrids, wheat, barley, and rice. Due to this condition, the body will have difficulty absorbing nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. Patients with this condition will face the issue of malnutrition and the problem needs immediate attention as it can lead to infertility.

Symptoms of celiac disease

  • Delayed puberty

  • Feel irritated and tired

  • Celiac disease

  • Abdominal bleeding

  • Stomach pain

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhea

  • Weight loss

  • Vomiting

Treatment for celiac disease

The doctor suggests the patient eat a gluten-free diet as studies have shown that it does help to prevent the problem from getting worse or symptoms are reduced.

Gastrointestinal disease 2: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS is the condition in which the irritable colon, nervous stomach, spastic colon, or mucous colitis is affected. Patients with IBS experience a group of symptoms like bloating, cramps, and bloating which is linked to constipation or diarrhea.

IBS symptoms

IBS symptoms are different from one person to another and this condition is noticed in children. Additionally, some have mild symptoms, and some experience to an extent that their daily life is affected. The possible symptoms are:

  • Celiac disease

  • Food intolerance

  • Crohn’s disease

  • Food allergy

Treatment for IBS

  • Increase the food intake filled with fiber

  • Do not take the stress and manage stress

  • Take probiotics on time

Gastrointestinal disease 3: Lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance is the condition when lactose is not able to be digested by the body and it is present in the milk products. The condition of lactose intolerance is common.

Symptoms of lactose intolerance

The effects of symptoms are different from person to person. Some of the possible ones are:

  • Abdominal cramps

  • Bloating

  • Gas

  • Diarrhea

Depending on the locator is undigested or how your body reaches lactose, the symptoms will vary.

Treatment of lactose intolerance

In such conditions, the patients are suggested to cut back on the consumption of dairy products and include dairy-free options. The doctor performs the test to better understand your situation.

Gastrointestinal Diarrhea 3: Chronic Diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea is the condition when the stool is mushy, loose, or watery. The major reasons behind this condition are depression, overweight, older age, and women being at increased risk.

Treatment for chronic diarrhea

Initially, the doctor will perform a detailed diagnosis to understand what is the issue. In your treatment plan, you will be suggested to take pain killers, antibiotics, steroids, antidiarrheal, immunosuppressants, and other prescription medications.

Consult the doctor

You should consult our gastro doctor to know better which treatment plan will improve your condition. For further information, schedule your initial consultation with our doctor.

gastroenterologyLiver Treatment

What are the symptoms of liver problems which can be noticed in your child?

  • September 18, 2021


When it comes to liver health, be it an adult or a child, both have to be extra cautious. Being an adult, it is easy to express what we are going through but your child won’t be able to do that. If your child is diagnosed with liver disease then you need to be watchful for certain signs, and symptoms. Being aware of the signs and symptoms regarding liver disease will make it easier to understand what should be done. When you consult the best liver doctor at the top-rated Liver Hospital in Punjab it will be easier to understand what to do next to take care of your child’s liver health. Consulting our Gastro doctor in Ludhiana will help you get familiar with what are the signs in which you need to take your child to the emergency room.

Signs and symptoms of liver problem

There are some signs which occur in children who are struggling with ongoing chronic liver disease. Some of the signs and symptoms of liver disease are:

  • Bone fracture

Chances of bone fracture are higher if a child is diagnosed with liver disease. The problem can reduce bone thickness, and this is why timely medical care is important.

  • Loss of appetite

This problem occurs due to liver problems, and this is possible as the liver is not getting enough nutrients it needs.

  • Itchy skin

Itchy skin is the reason for bile buildup in the body.

  • Pale stool

When the liver is not able to make or release bilirubin in the right amount. In some cases, it can be a sign of liver infection or inflammation. In medical terms, the pale stool is also known as acholic stool.

  • Bleeding and bruising

Both these conditions can occur when your body does not have enough Vitamin K. It might be possible that the liver is not able to make use of Vitamin K, in the right manner.

If your child has malnutrition, then it can be possible that they can face the problem of weight loss, the body is not able to grow, and rickets (bone density gets low).

What are the emergency signs which need medical attention?

Given below are some of the common signs and symptoms which require medical attention as soon as possible:

  • Jaundice

Jaundice occurs when skin becomes yellow along with the white part of the eye. It is the reason for bilirubin buildup that occurs when red blood cells break down.

  • Abdominal pain

If your child has abdominal pain, then it might be the sign they have inflammation or liver infection.

  • Fever

If your child is running a fever, then you need to tell the doctor right away. It can be due to some other reason.

Consult the doctor at the earliest

If you notice these signs in your children then make sure to get medical assistance without any delay. In such a manner, your child’s liver health will be in the best state and they will be able to live a quality and better life.
