Ascites: What are its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options?

Liver Treatment

Ascites: What are its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options?

  • October 21, 2021


Ascites (build-up of fluid in the abdomen)
Ascites are becoming a common problem in which fluid starts developing in the abdomen area. This medical condition is the reaction to another health issue. When the liver is not working then this problem is caused. One of the research has shown that the 2-year survival rate of patients with ascites is 50%. You need to visit the best Liver Hospital in Punjab to get the right treatment plan for this condition. If you suspect any problem with your liver or gastro health, then visit Girn Hospital. We have the best team of hepatologists and Gastro doctor in Ludhiana.

What are the causes of ascites?
As we have mentioned above the problem is caused due to liver scarring. You might hear your doctor calling it by the name of cirrhosis. The scarring is a major problem as it starts building pressure inside the blood vessels present in the liver. As the pressure keeps on increasing the abdominal cavity is impacted which increases the risk of having ascites.

What are the symptoms of ascites?
Just like with most health conditions, the symptoms can trigger right away or it will take time. The reason behind the fluid buildup will depend on what symptoms you will have. Although, here are some of the key symptoms which point that you need medical assistance:
Abdominal pain
Vomiting and nausea
Problem breathing as you lay down
Swollen abdomen
Weight gain, suddenly
Bear in mind, the symptoms might be due to another health issue. It’s better that you consult the doctor to understand what is the reason for your condition.

What are the risk factors of ascites?
Liver problem is the reason ascites condition is triggered. So, let’s here point to the factors which lead to liver damage like excess alcohol consumption (even in the past), cirrhosis, hepatitis C, or B. Apart from these, other conditions which can increase the risk factor are:
Hypothyroidism (Underactive thyroid)
Tuberculosis (Serious Infectious Disease)
Pancreatitis (Pancreas inflammation)
Heart or kidney failure
Cancer of ovaries, liver, endometrial, or pancreatic

How is the ascites condition diagnosed?
Well! Different methods are used to diagnose whether you have ascites or not. Various imaging methods or tests are done to better point out the condition and it is done through the:
CT scan
Blood tests

What are the treatment options for ascites?
One of the most effective methods to treat ascites. The medications will limit the water and salt amount in the body which will reduce the pressure on the liver veins. You need to limit your salt intake and avoid alcohol.
Paracentesis is the procedure used for patients with severe conditions; as the above-mentioned is not effective for the patients who get diagnosed in late-stage cases. During this procedure, the excess fluid is removed. With this, there is a risk of infection so antibiotics are prescribed.
For extreme cases, surgical options are best. In case, your body is not responding to the treatment then a liver transplant is suggested.

Is it possible to prevent ascites?
NO! Although, you can opt for certain lifestyle habits to reduce the risk like:
Alcohol consumption should be moderate
Do not share needles
Understand what side-effects medications can leave
Get the hepatitis B vaccination
Practice safe sex
If you suspect you have this condition, then schedule your initial consultation with our doctor today only.

Liver Treatment

How to repair liver damage after excess alcohol abuse?

  • October 6, 2021


Save yourself from alcohol addiction

Alcohol consumption has done no good to anybody’s health. One such body part getting adversely affected by the alcohol intake is the liver. Heavy alcohol drinkers have to suffer a lot, and there is even excess alcohol consumption after their liver health that it cannot function with ease.

The good news is that, if you plan to quit alcohol then your liver health can get back its place. For that, you need to consult the best Hepatologist at the Liver Hospital in Punjab. Also, ensure that you consult the Gastro doctor in Ludhiana to ensure there is no impact on your gastric health. One of the studies has shown that due to alcohol consumption the risk of gastric cancer increases.

Do you know?

The liver can process one alcoholic drink in 60 minutes. And just imagine the situation in which people consume around 5 to 6 glasses of alcohol in one hour. How bad the alcohol impact will be on the liver?

Alcohol & Liver

The liver performs many vital functions in the body like helps to fight infection, filter toxins in the blood, keeps a check on cholesterol & sugar, and bile production which helps in digestion.

With the excess intake of alcohol, the liver is impacted and the liver is not able to cleanse itself. As the liver can regenerate itself but not in the case of individuals who drink excess alcohol. Here are some of the problems which can occur due to excess alcohol consumption:

  • Alcoholic fatty liver disease

AFLD is the first stage of liver damage and it does not show symptoms. The prevalence rate of AFLD is higher in women as compared to men. Although, if you quit alcohol then the condition can be reversed.

  • Alcoholic Hepatitis

The next stage is alcoholic hepatitis which leads to liver swelling and can result in symptoms like fever, jaundice, and vomiting.

  • Alcoholic cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is the inflammation that occurs when fat gets collected in excess and the condition is irreversible. One of the severe states at this point is a risk of liver failure. Understand that when you drink alcohol in excess you put on more weight which can lead to other health issues.

What are the ways to heal the liver from alcohol damage?

Here are some of the ways which can help your liver to repair itself or it will work correctly:

  • Do not drink alcohol

  • Eat the right kind of food

  • Exercise daily

  • Be careful about medications you consume

  • Do not follow a sedentary lifestyle

  • Stay away from the use of harmful toxins

How long does the liver take to heal?

If the liver is damaged due to AFLD and hepatitis, then the condition is reversible. Although, not in the case of cirrhosis a the damage is severe. In many cases, the condition reaches the stage of a liver transplant. It’s best that you quit alcohol and who knows your condition can be benefited to a great extent.

Liver Transplant India: Get the best medical assistance

If you are struggling to quit alcohol or understand which treatment plan will work for you, then schedule your initial consultation with our doctor.